About Me

I am a PhD student in the Civil Engineering Department at Carnegie Mellon University, advised by Pine Liu and Sean Qian. A short version of my resume could be found here .

Research Interest: graph neural networks; stochastic control; tabular embedding; diffusion model; spatiotemporal & multimodal analysis; model predictive control

My current research focuses on implementing generalizable Model Predictive Control policies that can be integrated with existing building HVAC control frameworks, and spatial-temporal graph neural networks to infer interactions in urban systems such as building and transportation. Before coming to CMU, I obtained M.S. in Structural Engineering, and B.S in Civil Engineering, both from Dalian University of Technology, fortunated to have been supervised by Jinping Ou and worked on optimal sensor placement of deepwater risers (slides). I also obtained a M.S. in Machine Learning at CMU on 2020.

Besides research, I am fan of soccer, tennis, investment and philosophy. My home teams are AC Milan and Dalian Pro FC, and favourite writers are Milan Kundera and J. D. Salinger.